Thursday, May 17, 2007

Dreamgirls II

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In this case, life imitates art. Dreamgirls was all about the power of image, and so is American Idol, it seems. Melinda was voted off tonight. What a disappointment. Truly, my favorite was LaKisha, but I knew from the start that should would fall victim to a Dreamgirls-esque image bias. That woman has soul. She's fantastic. But it was amazing to watch Melinda come out of her shell and gain confidence. She's admittedly an old-school "motown girl," which must be partly why she didn't make it to the top. The public can only take so much of that old-time flavor. Now it's two young, fresh faces that will go on to the final. I don't know if I'll watch. Jordin is great, but she lacks the life force of the other two... almost reminiscent of Beyoncé in the film. Anyway, what I really want to see is what LaKisha and Melinda will go on to do. They are strong and righteous women.

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